Daily Prompt: Wicked WItch

 good vs evil

Evil is the absence of good or the focus of one’s energy and effort on all things negative. Although negativity can be determined by a person’s point of view, I believe we all have an conscience, or internal Jimminy Cricket, that tell us right from wrong. Bad from really really bad. We are all born with the curse of sin (which is evil) but we choose, individually, whether or not to embrace it fully. A man who rapes a child is evil, no matter who’s point of view you are looking at it from. A Jane Doe, after years of physical and emotional abuse, decides to take her children and run away. John Doe knows that over time she will heal and move on. He finds her and then scars her face so that when she looks in the mirror she will never forget him. That is evil, again, regardless of the point of view. Evil is the absence of good or the focus of one’s energy and effort on all things negative.Image
